Cari Vann | Movement Craft | Movement Is Medicine

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Discovering a New Way to Beat Acne

My conversation with Leigh Brandon on the Better Than A Pill podcast was incredibly enlightening. Leigh shared his own struggle with severe cystic acne and how he finally found relief after 18 years of failed conventional treatments. What struck me the most was his emphasis on the interconnectedness of diet, hormones, and skin health. It's not just about slathering on creams or popping pills; it's about understanding how what you eat can directly impact your skin.

Leigh's journey resonated with me deeply. Like him, I've tried countless skincare products, hoping for a miracle cure. But as he shared his story, I realized that perhaps I've been looking in the wrong places all along. Leigh's approach to acne is refreshingly holistic, focusing on addressing the root causes rather than just treating the symptoms. And at the heart of it all is the power of diet and mindset.

When Leigh talked about eliminating trigger foods and adopting a low-sugar diet, it was like a light bulb went off in my head. Could something as simple as changing what I eat really make such a difference? As I delved deeper into his insights, I began to see the connection between diet, hormones, and skin health in a whole new light. Suddenly, it all made sense.

But it's not just about what you eat; it's also about how you think. Leigh's emphasis on mindset really struck a chord with me. I realized that I've been approaching my acne with a defeatist attitude, constantly searching for quick fixes without addressing the underlying issues. But as Leigh pointed out, resilience and positivity are key in overcoming acne. It's about setting realistic goals and staying focused on solutions rather than excuses.

Leigh's book, "Eliminating Adult Acne for Good," has become my go-to resource for navigating this journey. It's filled with practical tips and strategies based on his own experience and expertise in the field. And while personalized coaching may not be accessible to everyone, Leigh's book offers a lifeline for those of us looking for guidance on our acne journey.

Overall, my conversation with Leigh Brandon on the Better Than A Pill podcast was a revelation. It opened my eyes to a whole new approach to skincare, one that focuses on nourishing the body from the inside out. It's a journey that I'm excited to embark on, armed with the knowledge and insights that Leigh has shared. And if you're struggling with acne like I am, I urge you to give this podcast episode a listen. Trust me, it might just change your life.