Cari Vann | Movement Craft | Movement Is Medicine

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Harnessing the Power of Overall Movement: Your Gateway to Health

I'm thrilled to share an empowering perspective on physical activity with you today - the concept of overall movement. I love this term because it captures the essence of what cardiovascular or aerobic exercise truly is - continual movement. It's all about breaking free from the confines of conventional exercise norms and embracing an activity that's just as beneficial but much more sustainable and enjoyable.

As I delve into this subject, it's vital to understand that movement is medicine. Yes, you've heard it right - our bodies crave movement, and by answering this call, we transform our health and wellbeing in numerous ways. The beauty of this medicine is its adaptability; it comes in different forms for different people, accommodating individual needs and preferences.

One critical aspect of overall movement is its focus on pain-free continuity. We don't just move for the sake of moving; we move in ways that sustain our bodies, ensuring no pain taints our experience. This intentionality is crucial. After all, exercise shouldn't feel like a chore or a cause of discomfort; it should feel liberating.

Now, you might be wondering how you can incorporate more overall movement into your daily life. I propose starting with the basics, the activities of daily living. Try increasing your movement around your home or when you're out shopping. The goal is to move more, no matter the context. And to help you stay on track, you can utilize tools like an Apple Watch or a Fitbit to monitor your daily steps.

As you grow comfortable with more movement, you can graduate to more continuous forms, which carry profound benefits for our heart health. Remember, even as little as ten minutes a day can make a significant difference. You can gradually increase your activity duration to 20 or 30 minutes, depending on what feels right for your body.

But what if walking or usual activities cause discomfort? Well, that's where the beauty of overall movement shines. There are always alternatives. You could try biking, using an elliptical machine, swimming, or even join group exercise classes - the options are almost endless. What's important is to listen to your body and adapt accordingly.

Good footwear can also play a crucial role in making your movement journey more comfortable, especially for activities like walking and hiking. Moreover, don't shy away from additional supports like orthotics or walking sticks if you need them.

Despite the joy and benefits of movement, it's crucial to approach it with balance. As much as we advocate for more activity, remember that overtraining can be harmful. We must strive for a healthy equilibrium - that sweet spot where we enjoy movement and reap its benefits without succumbing to injury or burnout.

In my experience, a moderate 20 to 30 minutes of continual movement works well. Of course, this isn't a one-size-fits-all recommendation. You might prefer longer or shorter durations based on your lifestyle and body's needs. The key is to listen to your body and honor its signals.

Overall movement is indeed a powerful, life-giving force. It isn't just about physical fitness but also about mental wellbeing, personal empowerment, and nurturing a positive relationship with our bodies. Remember, it's about finding activities that work for you, not squeezing yourself into someone else's mold.

So, ready to harness the power of overall movement? Take that first step today, no matter how small. Trust me; your body will thank you.

Remember, life is a beautiful journey, and movement is a part of that journey. So let's keep moving, pain-free, and full of joy! I'm excited to see where your overall movement journey will take you. Keep going; you've got this!