Episode # 45: Interview with John Graham

Ever wondered how a fitness pro transforms setbacks into breakthroughs? Meet John Graham, the genius behind Lumaflex! Dive into his personal journey, unlock the secrets of resilience, and get ready to redefine your wellness game. Ready to discover the Lumaflex difference?

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Show Notes:


  • John Graham Harper, certified master trainer and fitness professional.

  • 15 years of experience in the fitness industry.

John's Journey:

  • Injuries from rugby, CrossFit, and boxing.

  • Discovered healing benefits of red light therapy during knee recovery.

  • Developed LumaFlex, a portable red light therapy device.

LumaFlex Overview:

  • Flexible, durable, waterproof red light therapy panel.

  • Addresses the lack of accessible red light therapy solutions.

  • Compact and suitable for users on the go.

Red Light Therapy Basics:

  • Specific wavelengths penetrate the skin, activating mitochondria.

  • Three primary mechanisms: energy synthesis, anti-inflammation, and improved blood circulation.

  • Red (630 nm) and infrared (650 nm) lights for different therapeutic effects.

Personal Journey:

  • John's severe left knee injury led him to explore alternative therapies.

  • Realized red light therapy's effectiveness in pain relief.

  • Inspired to create LumaFlex for mainstream use.

Scientific Explanation:

  • Light therapy is optimal during sunrise and sunset.

  • FDA class 2 approval for red and infrared light.

  • Clinical studies support efficacy.

Differentiating Red and Infrared:

  • Red light addresses surface-level issues.

  • Infrared light penetrates deeper for chronic pain relief.

Conditions Addressed:

  • Benefits for back pain, arthritis, joint pain, muscle issues, and injuries.

  • Cellular-level support is an addition to traditional treatments.

Potential Applications:

  • Effective for chronic conditions like long-term joint or muscle pain.

  • May aid in foot-related issues like tarsal coalitions.

Research and Studies:

  • Numerous clinical studies support red and infrared light therapy.

  • Emphasis on researching specific conditions in the provided global Excel database.

Communication and Branding:

  • The casual conversation often lumps red and near-infrared light together.

  • LumaFlex Body Pro offers a convenient at-home solution.

Availability and Usage:

  • LumaFlex Body Pro provides a convenient solution for red and infrared light therapy at home.

Key Takeaways:

  • Accessibility: LumaFlex addresses the lack of accessible red light therapy solutions for active individuals.

  • Portable and Durable: The device is flexible, waterproof, and can easily fit into a gym bag.

  • Therapeutic Mechanisms: Red and infrared lights target different issues, offering relief for various conditions.

  • Scientific Backing: FDA approval and clinical studies support the efficacy of red and infrared light therapy.

  • Wide Applications: LumaFlex potentially aids in conditions ranging from chronic pain to foot-related issues.


Today, I'm so excited to have guest John Graham Harper on today and John Graham is a

certified master trainer. He's a speaker, a fitness professional with 15 years of experience in the

fitness industry. He's the founder of John Graham Fitness. He's a renowned golfer and he is a

leader in fitness technology and has collaborated on popular video series for home workouts

and boxing tutorials and John's personal journey through competitions and training exposed him

to injuries. And so this fueled his quest to optimize injury prevention and recovery methods. And

during this pursuit, he discovered the benefits of red light. therapy while recovering from a knee

injury. So this led to the creation of LumaFlex and this is a game changing, flexible, portable

device that we're going to talk about today and so on. So I'm so excited for you to be here.

Welcome, John.

Thank you. That's a nice introduction. That's very sweet. Thank you so much.

Absolutely. And like I said, I'm so excited to learn more about this red light therapy today and for

everybody else that's listening to learn as well. And so I know I touched a little bit on your

journey, but I'd love to hear a little bit more about your personal experience with this?

Yeah, that's, I mean, I started, um, I guess everybody starts their fitness career in different ways.

I was a little bit, um, aggressive. With, uh, with sport, I wanted to always compete in anything I

did. So, um, when I, when I played rugby, I played competitive rugby and I blew out both my

shoulders, which, um, wasn't very, didn't mean it just meant that I couldn't be playing rugby


So I went to, um, I went into CrossFit, I got into competitive CrossFit and that's when I had some

knee injuries, probably the worst injury that I sustained with actually my left knee. So I stopped

that for a bit and, but I still wanted to compete. So I got into boxing and I, um, I was doing

amateur boxing, getting hit in the head a lot and, um, I, a few years down the line, my, um,

started to have very, very severe headaches.

I went into the hospital and my, uh, my doctor saw, yeah, I had a tumor in my head, um, which

he said was caused by micro traumas to my nose. Which created, um, a tumor in my, my head,

so I had to have the tumor removed, and he told me not to do any combat sports again, but I,

from there I went into, um, I went into bodybuilding for a little bit, but I kind of lost interest

because I didn't really feel that there was a rivalry.

But, um, yeah, lots of injuries throughout my career as a competitive athlete. But the left knee

injury was the one that really hurt me the most because I think just not being able to walk, um,

not being able to exercise and sort of reach my full potential really, um, really drained me. So if I

was sitting in a position for longer than, say, 10, 15 minutes The knee would really, really start to


It became very unbearable pain, right? And, of course, when the weather was getting cold it

flared up as well. So it was very kind of almost like arthritis. I think I, you know, it's something

that my mother always, always had bad knees as well, which would flare up and during the cold,

cold months. But, um, but yeah, it was very, very, um, debilitating.

And, um, my wife who was Chinese, um, this was a good six, seven years ago. She introduced

me to this lamp. It was very ugly. cumbersome lamp that had a very large weight at the bottom

and I would have to move this lamp. It was very, very tough to use and it was very, very ugly. It

had a very large red bulb and, um, uh, she said put this lamp, like, aim it at your knee and do

this every, every day for 20 minutes and your, you know, your knee will heal up.

And I thought that the heat Was actually the therapy that my knee was was getting because the

lamp would get really hot would get extremely hot I would play this game where I would like

bring the knee close to the lamp But then it would get really hot that I'd have to move it away

and then I try to get you know Get close to the lamp again to get the therapy But because I just

thought it was the heat But later I found out that it was actually the light was the it was it was

the red light It was my, my mitochondria getting, it was getting healed.

Um, but yeah, after a week I didn't have any pain. And the reason I knew I didn't have any pain

was because in that seated position that I would always be in, that would, you know, meant that

taking taxis or flying on a plane was actually very difficult because it would get so sore, but I

wasn't having that pain by being in that seated position.

So, um, After the second week, I just stopped using it. I didn't need it anymore. Um, and even to

this day, right now, I don't, if, if, if ever I do some sort of exercise or a run or, or a heavy squat, or

if I do, you know, feel that the knee is a little bit injured, I will put the, the Lumaflex, the, you

know, the, the panel on it.

And after 10 minutes, I'm fine. So I've got it. I'm fully recovered. I consider myself completely

recovered, but that is what sort of started the journey into red light therapy and what, um,

brought about the Lumaflex, which, um, is the world's number one portable. flexible, durable,

waterproof red light therapy panel.

So it's mainstreaming red light therapy. Like I have, you know, given all the injuries that I had in

my, in, you know, in my career and, um, just looking at what red light therapy and how it is used

in, you know, in sport and how the active audience accesses red light therapy, it, there was

nothing really.

You know, portable, there was nothing that was, that was easy to access, right? It would usually,

you would have to drive to a clinic, you would have to use a large device that, you know, you

have to rent, maybe rent, you know, time on a bed or in a, you know, sort of like a tanning, a

tanning, you know, it's like a tanning bed, but, you know, there's ones where you lay down and

there's ones where you sit, but, um, there wasn't anything very accessible.

It didn't seem like red light therapy, it seemed like it was very difficult to get your hands on it. So I

wanted to make something that was Not too big, but, um, still had a large amount of surface

area, so it still stayed portable. And, um, it was something that you could just have in your gym

bag. So this is a silicone panel, so it's extremely strong.

You can drive a car over this, it won't break. We've done, you know, I think 20 to 30 kgs worth of

pressure testing on these handles, so they don't break. And this is what you wrap around to put

the panel in different positions. Um, so it's a silicone panel that's flexible, so it molds to joints

and muscles, which is extremely important with red light therapy, you want to maximize the

amount of treatment that you get to an affected area, you know, you want all the light, you don't

want the light to be bouncing off, right?

So if I show you now, if I turn it on, you long press, And then here it is. That is the panel. It's

pretty bright, right? But you can see if you put the panel, you can see it's, the light is all going

into my body, right? Into that affected area that's sore. But the moment you bring the panel

away, the room lights up here.

And that's kind of where you lose a lot of the treatment. You lose a lot of the light. It bounces and

ricochets off. So a flexible panel is really, really important in the, You know, if you're looking at a

portable device, and this is the Lumaflex Body Pro. It's like our flagship product and it's fully


So you can be underwater and you'll, it'll still work. But yeah, that's kind of, you know, where it

all came from back. You know, when I was, um, competing as an athlete and sort of seeing, you

know, you know, all the troubles that I went through with my injuries. And I'm just looking at what

was available in the world in terms of red light therapy, this, and, um, and I saw like, really, there

was nothing very, you know, that made red light therapy accessible.

It just seems so difficult to get this treatment. And I figured like, what makes the, you know, this

treatment so wonderful where we really see the, you know, the game changing effects if we're

able to have it. Every day we're able to have it when we want it every single day, you know, so

that's kind of, yeah, that's sort of the long story short, you could say of my journey in red light


I love this. I love it. I love this stuff. You know, I've got tons of questions on my mind right now

because I'm just like, wow, another tool that can be helpful for somebody to prevent pain and

injury. This is awesome. I love your story. Um, yeah, you have been through the gamut. Um, You

pick some hardcore stuff, you know, rugby, um, boxing.

Oh, by the way, this is kind of funny that not everybody knows this about me, but I did play rugby

in college. Um, I was a dance minor and I had to stop dancing, so I got it. Wow. And . Wow.

Yeah. So, and, and here's the funny thing about rugby is they don't even cover insurance.

Doesn't cover rugby injuries. You know, because it's such a rough sport. So, so yeah, I've seen

some things with that, but yeah, so you have, you've been through a lot and, and I think it's

incredible that your wife was the one that brought this device out.

And for those of you that are listening that didn't see what John did is he turned on his device

and a big red beam is what's shining. So that's what you began using. You had no idea, right?

No idea. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I thought it was the heat and it was, I didn't know it was the light. I

thought it was heat because Asians like Chinese, Chinese, they're all about heat therapy, right?

Whereas in the West we use cold therapy. You know, if somebody has an injury, we will put ice

on it. We will, we were about, we're about cold therapy, but, but Chinese, it's all heat therapy.

They have these. You know, these oils are like tiger balm, right? Right. Everybody's using tiger

balm, their necks and ears.

They're always, they're, they're always using heat, you know, as a treatment, right? Yeah. So,

the light is what was doing it for your knee. And then, and I think that's awesome. You've been

able to recover, um, no more pain. And if you do have discomfort coming on, it sounds like you

go to the portable device now and it doesn't take.

Like long, like, like, like five or 10 minutes and, you know, well, this is incredible. I want to

understand. So tell me, and everybody listening today, a little bit more about the science behind

this stuff. Like what's going on? How does this red light therapy work in our bodies? Yeah, so

the easiest way that I like to explain it to people that are still sort of, they're just getting their feet

wet with light and um, all the benefits of light and not, not just natural light, but also artificial light

and you know, how we can not, we can also get, bring in.

you know, natural light, but also push away artificial light, because artificial light is also not very

good for us. But that's, that's something that, um, as you get better at red light, at light therapy

and understanding all the benefits that it provides, you start to also want to, you know, block

your, um, artificial light.

So I actually, you, usually at night or, um, if I'm ever in an environment where there's a lot of

artificial light, I'll usually wear blue light blockers. It's like, These blue or red or glasses that really

help. And you'll find that, you know, you're more calm. You have like your, um, you don't have as

many headaches.

This is something that was very, at least for me, was understanding the good light and also

getting rid of the bad light. But red light, the best way to, the best way to, I like to explain it is it's

available to us when the sun rises and the sun sets. Like this is the time when the, The

wavelengths of light are at the right length to be able to penetrate your skin and activate your


The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, the engine of the cell, right? So if we're giving

energy, we're giving, we're giving light, which is, we're giving energy to the mitochondria, then

the cell is able to do its job. And so that could be, there's three mechanisms. So synthesizing

energy is one. Anti inflammation is the other, and then blood circulation is the third.

So these three mechanisms, you know, the light being able to do this with our mitochondria, our

mitochondria being able to achieve this, you know, it accounts for a huge amount of benefits

that we get. That comes to, you know, growing hair, or boosting collagen in your skin, or

boosting your body's natural SPF levels.

Or, um, um, de stressing you, boosting your body's testosterone. Like, there's a lot of, um,

benefits that we get through these mechanisms. But at the end, the light is basically giving our

cells energy, right? We, it's mitochondria treatment. So a lot of times when we have an injury,

like say for, or, or like a shoulder injury, I would always do massages.

I would get deep heat oil, or I would put ice on it, right? And I would, I would sort of, Treat the

issue, but not we were just on the surface area. But what the light is doing is treating the issue

on a cellular level. So that's sort of a simple way to understand it. And it's a good sort of first step

into getting deep into the weeds of not just what red light therapy is, but also all the other

spectrums of light and all the benefits that they have.

But where we see a lot of clinical research, a lot of clinical studies that support it. Light therapy

is in the red and infrared. So with devices like mine, mine is a class 2, FDA class 2. So the FDA

listed the product because it's red and infrared. So other devices that have other spectrums of

light, not red and infrared, can't really claim an FDA class.

Like they can't have an FDA listed product because it's all the, all the clinical studies are in red

and infrared. So this is, um, yeah, this is a FDA. device. So it's a listed FDA product. And

actually, while, you know, while, uh, while I'm on, on that, this product is Time Magazine, number

one invention for wellness for 2023.

And I guess that's just because, Again, it's just very, very portable. It's allowing red light therapy

to be very, very accessible, but we also won the ISPO award and we're nominated for the, um,

the Edison's award as well. But, um, yeah, it's about getting this light, these wavelengths of light,

the light that is at that right measure to be able to, again, treat your mitochondria and have that

targeted to those specific areas that are hurting.

You've got a sore neck, right? So we're going to target that area. We're doing localized

treatment, right? You've got a sore chest, you put it, you target that, that specific area. Does that

make sense? Wow. Yeah. No, that does make sense. What I'm hearing is that it is working at

the cellular level, mitochondria.

It's different. It's not like, um, manual work, but yet effective in a different sense, um, which really

makes sense. And, and, you know, So I am curious, the things that are coming to my mind is,

what is the difference, um, between red light and infrared, and it sounds like you're, the

Lumaflex that you've created, by the way, congratulations, you've won those awards.

This is a good product. This is awesome, right? Um, what is the difference? And I'm just going to

share, like, for me right now, I use, um, a sauna blanket, and that has, just from my

understanding, The infrared. But I don't think it has a red light. And so I'm curious to understand,

um, the difference, the crossover, kind of break that down for me and everybody else listening

today a little bit.

Yeah. Red. So what's the, so nanometers, the difference is the nanometers. So the LumaFlex

has a red light. At 630 nanometers. So, that surface, that's like skin. That's like skin treatments.

That's like wound healing. Like, where did red light therapy actually first, you know, sort of, get

interested in, was NASA scientists.

They were using red light therapy to grow plants, but then they started to realize that their hands

were, the abrasions on their hands were starting to heal. So they were like, what? We're, you

know, we're, our wounds are healing. you know, that we're at an accelerated rate. If you go, if

you're in a car accident, or you've had a nasty fall, or you've been, you've got some, some deep

cuts and wounds, uh, most credible hospitals will give you some form of red light therapy.

to accelerate your wound healing. So red light is surface, right? It's helping your wounds heal,

and that's boosting your body's natural collagen, right? So that's also anti-aging, right? Where

we, where we see the LED masks, you know, with the, that are very popular now on TikTok with

that, you know, all the ladies wearing these LED masks to look pretty.

That's, um, that's very, very surface, right? But infrared, you actually can't see the light. So when

I shine that panel, and when you are looking at most of the devices. This is a red light. If I were

to just turn off the red and show you the infrared, you wouldn't see anything. Infrared, you can't

see it, right?

And sometimes devices, they'll have it to where like, if you, with the app, I can actually program

it so I don't, I can turn off the red and just have the infrared. And it looks like, it looks like

nothing's on, right? But the infrared for the Lumaflex is 650. The nanometers are much deeper.

So this is where we're going.

into the, you know, deep joint pain and chronic pain, arthritis, right? Sciatica, a good friend of

mine who was in the military. Um, he was a sniper and, um, he was cleaning a tank at the

bottom of the tank and the gun fell on his back. And he has, he has been, plagued with, you

know, horrible, um, pain with sciatica for a number of years.

And I've given him a device, um, because we're very, very close friends. And, um, for the last

couple of months, he's been using it and his pain has been completely gone. So that's where

infrared can really do damage in the world in terms of relieving serious pain, chronic pain. Is, is

you, is, is the, the nanometers of light that are able to go deeper into the muscle tissue, right?

To go deeper into the joints and help with these, you know, these very, very chronic debilitating

pain. So that's, it's, the difference is, is in the nanometers. More surface and then Deeper, right?

So this is 6: 30 and 8: 50. Those are the two nanometer wavelengths of light that we have for

red and infrared.

Okay. And so the light that you were using originally, let's say when you went back to the light

that your wife gave you for your knee that had a combination of the red and infrared as well.

Yeah, that device, I have to track it down and find out where it is because, um, You know, I've

done, you know, I was, I was on a, I told this story to, uh, I was on a documentary for an

Amazon prime about biohacking and they interviewed me about my story about like all, and

then, you know, I went in detail about my, like all my pain, um, all the injuries that I did and all

the pain that I had, you know, doing, being an athlete, but they asked me, they were like, where

is that lamp?

Right. When I was like, wow, I have to find where that is. Cause I know it's probably, yeah. You

know, it's at one of the family homes or something. But, um, from what I remember, it was very

old. It was a very, very old device. So, was it red and near infrared? I would have to, I want, I

want to go check, but I think it was probably just red.

It was probably just red and I probably just, you know, it was like a com, like maybe it was, it

couldn't have just been infrared, but, so it probably was just red, red light. But I wanna find the

thing and be like, oh, this is the, you know, I finally tracked it down. But, um, yeah, I'm curious

about what the nanometers were for that old one.

Right. And so, like, in my mind, so I'm thinking, so the red light you describe as being surface,

but yet Yeah, it can, but it can go deeper if it can help your knee. Yeah. Well, yeah, it could, it

could probably go deep, but probably not that deep. Um, that's yeah, it depends. It all depends

on the injury, but I would, I would, I would imagine that like it, it was, uh, maybe a combination

of red and infrared, but, um, yeah, it was such a hot ball.

It was very, very large. So, but it's, it's funny. I've had this conversation before as well with this

documentary, but we'll see. But generally speaking, yes. Infrared is joint muscle pain, uh, joint

chronic pain and even deep muscle pain as well. Like if you're, you know, if you, if you imagine

like your, your parents and, you know, like for me, my dad, for my dad, it was always his neck.

He's always like, Oh, it's my neck again. It's like a pain that's been going on for years and years

and years and years. And he's got it from. You know, college, you know, basketball or, or, you

know, for my dad, he was playing hockey. He was a hockey player. So he's always, there's

these injuries that have, you know, been with us for so long.

That's where infrared can, I think, really, you know, can, can give almost, you know, complete

relief after 10 minutes, some, some cases, and then maybe 10 minutes every day for a week or

10 minutes every day for two weeks. We can see complete relief from these pains, these

debilitating pains. Um, I've had them in my family, you know, obviously my, my wife's family.

And then I'm sure everybody, we all have that uncle or, you know, our grandparents or our dad

or a mom that is always complaining about serious pain. Um, but that's where infrared can. can

really take over and, you know, get them off pills. And I love the sound of this, you know, this

podcast that you have, like, that's something that's a, that's a good message, right?

It's a good start off kickoff message to, to always be looking for natural non invasive means of

treatment, you know, before jumping into pills or something that could perhaps lead you down a

much darker path because. You don't know the side effects or the, you know, what's going to

happen when you start taking pills and you're dependent on these pills, right?

For, for, you know, finding relief from pain. Exactly. And so why not go try things as much as we

can that are natural, you know, whatever they might be. And so this is, so it sounds like, um, let

me ask you this. If, um, like the LumaFlex, it's a combination, obviously, of the red light and the

infrared, so it can work at surface and also go deep, um, and if, so let's take some examples.

If somebody likes, I'm just curious, myself, I have a, a, a, a tear, a slight tear in, um, a rotator

cuff muscle, um, and wondering how that would be effective for a small tear. Yeah. Yes. Okay.

Absolutely. Yeah. If you're having like, if it's something that even if you've had a pain like this or

an issue like this for a long time, that's something that I think that's where you need to address

the problem, like on a cellular level, like, you know, massages and.

And um, and creams and, and are, are not going to work anymore. You have to start like you're

looking at a cellular level, even if it is, is a, is a component like to other treatments that you may

do for your doctor. It should be added in there in some way, shape or form, right? You should, it

should be involved in some way in your recovery.

Okay. And so we've got similar muscle levels. So for muscle related things, like even the terror

example, what about, um, It sounds like it would be helpful for joint pain, like all arthritis, right?

Type issues. Okay. Excellent. Okay. That's awesome. Awesome. And, um, back pain, um, even,

um, different types of, um, whether it's Bone related or muscle.

It can be effective for back issues. Yeah. Yes, one of the most common Conditions that in

America, you know if someone walks into a hospital and they say I need to be checked or I need

to have surgery or I have an Issue the most common condition is back pain lower back pain I

see that a lot and a lot of people I work with have the back pain and a lot of people have the

arthritis too, which is what I'm, you know, inquiring about.

And, um, the other thing I'm curious about because, um, I see a lot of foot related issues and

both muscles. But also joint related. So like, um, an example for me is I have what's called

tarsal coalitions where I'm missing a joint, which can cause pain in the joint, not the muscle. Oh,

okay. I see. So curious as to, huh, I wonder, cause you know, there's only so much we can do

movement wise, like if infrared or the combination of red light and infrared would be effective.

You know, that's bringing these thoughts up, right? Yes, definitely, I would love to challenge any

condition like this or anything related like that. Definitely. I would love to challenge red light

therapy as something you could, you know, could, could really, really help to relieve it, right?

There's a, um, I have access to a global Excel, which is all these clinical studies that have been

done on red and infrared light.

And we're talking like. It's like nine to 11, 000 different studies, right? And I, I have the, and the,

and the, all the, all the, the doctors in light therapy and photobiomodulation, everyone has

access to this, this Excel. It's a reference that we use for conditions. So someone, you know,

brings up a condition like, Oh, you know, uh, red light therapy and, you know, like hearing or, or

hearing loss, you know, and you type it in and it will have a study about that specific condition

and how red light therapy, you know, there's a, it'll provide a study on it.

And to date it's been pretty, you know, I've, I've been researching the most random things and

there's always a study that shows that, you know, improvement is derived from using red light

therapy in most of these cases, most of these, um, these situations. And so like, even like you,

you're using the word like red light, can we show, is that also like incorporating infrared?

Is that how it's spoken about? Or are they kept separate? Or is red, is infrared really red light

just at a different nanometers what I'm hearing kind of? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Very, very

different. If you, usually in branding or when you're communicating your product or you're

communicating a clinical study, usually you should make it very clear, red and near infrared.

Like you should be very, very clear, but usually in conversation or text or sometimes in articles,

you know, or blog posts or, you know, social media, usually people just say red light therapy, red

light therapy. And it's kind of. You know, it also lumps together infrared and most people, if they

know the brand or they know the product, they know the doctor or they know the context,

usually they know, oh, they also mean infrared.

Like it isn't just about, you know, you know, uh, surface, surface treatment. It's also about, you

know, the infrared and the benefits we get from that much deeper nanometer. Right. Right. And

so like there are clinics or places that people can go. and they are separate, like they might just

get the red light therapy at the skin level, and then there, there are places people can go where

they're going just for the infrared, and then there's combination locations.

And then we're talking about your device, which is the advantage of being portable. So you don't

have to go anywhere, right? Which is really, really awesome. And yours, will it separate, um,

the, uh, red light so you could just use the red light if you wanted. Okay. Yeah. To tell us a little

bit about that. Yeah.

I'd love to hear that. Okay. If you want, you can just pick whichever one you can pick the red or

info. Yeah, but the benefit of the red light, um, obviously is the, is, is the, obviously the color,

right? Like, you know, when, you know, we, we all, you know, red and infrareds, okay, you know,

during sunrise and sunset, when we wake up, you know, when the sun rises, whether we go to

sleep in the sunsets, that's our circadian rhythm, right?

So with, we've, a lot of our people are off their circadian rhythm and this leads to anxiety,

depression, you know, all these, all these other, you know. negative side effects, just because

you're not, you know, as creatures of light, we were born under the light, you know, we were

supposed to wake up when the sun rises in the sunset.

That's kind of, that's written into our, you know, our DNA and to our biological biology. That's,

that's what we're supposed to have. But, um, you know, it's not always easy to access. Suns

and sunrise, right? It doesn't mean we can't, you know, Oh, it's sunrise time. Go outside. And

like, where's the sunrise?

Usually we're in cities, you know, or, you know, maybe there's a little bit of pollution. There's a bit

of smog. You know, if you're 30 degrees away from the equator, there is no, you know, basically

there's no sunrise. So usually the lumaflex is my sunrise. So when I wake up, I turn on the

device and I have it like a lamp, right?

And that's a great benefit for the red light is, is getting, you know, is basically getting my

circadian rhythm started. Cause I've done, you know, Maybe I'm not able to go. I'm in a hotel,

like right now I'm in, um, in a hotel on the. 37th floor. So I'm like, Oh, in order to get sunrise, I

need to wake up, go downstairs.

Like I've got to, it'll be a bit of a mission, right. Just to be able to go and see the sunlight. So

usually I just, I turn on the device to be able to get, um, you know, my red and infrared, get my

circadian started. Right. But that's another benefit to the red. The red light is actually the light

itself you know that we need as human beings to start our circadian rhythm.

It's um, you know, if you heard of these, uh, sad lamps, you know, that seasonal, um, seasonal

active disorder, like it's that it's that period of time during The year when you know, you don't

have access to sun. So people get depressed. They feel sad They're like, you know, I don't like

my life or whatever right and that's that's actually a condition So they buy sad lamps and that's

all that sad lamps are it's giving you light right to make you feel feel better So that's actually a

legit, you know, it's talked about a lot and it's something that um You know, maybe if depending

on where you live in the world, you don't quite understand it.

But yes, 30 degrees away from the equator, it's actually a legitimate condition. People feel

miserable when, you know, it's like this time of year when it's, you know, starting to get colder.

There's not as much sun. You go, you open the curtain and you're like, oh, there's no sun. It's

just cold. It's smoggy.

And you get depression, right? You get, you start to get depressed. Um, so that's something that

it's, it's, Great to have a device, some sort of red and infrared light, you know, device in your

house, just to be able to combat that, just to use as a lamp, right? To get your, you know, to get

you feeling good, right?

To help your mental health, right? Um, so that's something that a lot of people don't, uh, don't

use that. Yes. It is a treat. Obviously, the Lumaflex is a treatment device. It's something that is

used for localization. You can target specific areas, but I just use it as a lamp at times, like a sad

lamp just to wake up in the day.

Right. And I want to, you know, get my, I have my sunrise and my sunset in my, you know, in my

room. I don't have to go outside. I love that. So the red light simulates the light that we would

get, the good light from the sun. And you can do it in the morning as well as in the evening. So

you can do it twice a day.

How long would you need to do that to get benefits? Like 10, 10, 10, 15 minutes, maybe 20

minutes, usually took 20 minutes. Usually that is what I do. I'll wake up and I'll turn on and have

it like the whole room light up for at least 20 minutes. That just, it just, it starts your circadian

rhythm. It's like, okay, I'm up now.

You know, I want to, I want to get this, my sunrise, right? If you are able to, it's actually really

something that I would highly recommend to anybody who is suffering from any kind of, you

know, mental, you know, you just, okay, let's Without even being too dramatic, if you're just not

motivated, right? If you're just not a motivated person, maybe you have a bit of anxiety, you

know, you, you have a bit of depression.

I would challenge you that if you wake up and watch the sunrise, if you make the effort to go

outside, find a place where you see a sunrise, I would, I will tell you right now that day. that you

watch the sun will be a good day and after that day do it again and maybe don't do it every

single day of the week you know don't pressure yourself but do it like two or three times a day

there's very there's really something magical that's written into our dna to watch the sunrise right

to get this this this this time of the day when we get this particular kind of light we as human

beings like we as creatures of light we respond very well to that so i would challenge anybody

that is It's just try it.

I mean, how, how hard can it be? You obviously would, you maybe have to wake up a little bit

earlier than you normally would, but you can always go back to bed after you've watched the

sunrise. I mean, that's fine, but it's something that I have told countless people. And, um, when

the person that is someone that someone that very, very close to me, my father, um, I told him to

do this and he, yeah, he's loving his life now.

It's something that he's not just. He's thriving, you know, he's and I just wake up in the morning,

watch the sunrise, like, just let's do this. Let's see how many times we can do it per week. And

when you start doing it, you get addicted to it. And you love this feeling, you love watching the

sunrise. And it's something about, you know, how we were wired as human beings and how we

respond to the light that comes when we sunrise.

It's, it's a, it's a, it's a very magical thing. Um, that I would. encourage everybody to try. Yeah, no,

that makes sense to me. And I bought it right there. That's God's creation. You know, there's

beauty on multiple levels, right? Um, and so like, but with the red light, if you can't watch the

sunrise or sunset, you simulate this.

indoors, and it has a similar effect. Yes, is that right? That's right. Yeah. So, what are some, so

we have, so like you could use the light and if the light's on, can you be doing other things? Like

if you're in quiet time and reading or you want to stretch, if it's at night, you can, you have the

light on and still get benefit if you're doing other things.

Sure. Yeah. I mean, it has a calming effect, right? Um, and also using the red light, um, like, so

there is actually a performance boost benefit as well. So they, there's a lot of clinical studies that

show that as a human being, your performance in whatever it is that you're doing is up to 40

percent better when you have red light therapy.

So if you are doing some kind of stretching or exercise or meditation, if you're, you're, you will.

perform better when you have, you're exposed to red light therapy. The thing though, is that like,

say when I communicate this to gym, gym goers, right. Gym rats, we call them. Right. Um, and

I'm saying like, if you, Like, say you're doing a squat, a heavy squat, and your weight that you

can lift is here.

If you use red light therapy on your legs, you'll be able to lift here. But it's not so feasible,

because the device, putting the device on your legs, um, it's not so comfortable, it's sort of,

there's a lot of other sort of mental and Environmental blockers that that kind of can contradict

that that you know that what is done in the laboratory in terms of red light therapy, but so you

have to sort of see like overt like when you say, you know, you you're meditating or you're

stretching and you have the device facing you.

It's not necessarily on you, then yes, you will get a performance boost. But the luma flex is

designed to actually be able to be on the body, but it's not, you know, the performance boosting

sort of feature that I try to encourage. It's hard to get a response on this because you do have to

wear it, right?

So, you know, if you're doing shoulder presses and you have to put it on your shoulder, it's not

comfortable to wear. So the brain is thinking about the discomfort of the device on the shoulder

versus the amount of, you know, focusing on the, you know, the shoulder exercise, right? So,

but it is in the laboratory.

Under those perfect conditions, it does, it does, you know, provide a substantial boost in

performance. So it's, I would encourage you if you're able to use it as much as possible, you

know, for just for meditation, for quiet time, you know, have it on your back, have it on your

chest. You know, I usually call this the iron man.

I stick it, you know, in the collar of my shirt like that and I just, it just sits there and that's

something I do, you know, throughout the day. There's a 10 minute timer built into the, into the

battery. So throughout the day, you know, 10 minutes at a time, I may put it there just for, you

know, just for that overall well being effect, you know, just to help keep me awake, keep me

more centered, de-stressed, right, focused.

I find that it really helps me with that. That's awesome. You've given us some great tips already

on how to use the device. What are some other things you could recommend for specifics? Like

if somebody wants to put it on their knee or back throughout the day, what are some other tips

like on how to use it?

So my, my, um, wake up in the morning, right? Wake up in the morning and I want to do some

targeted red light therapy. I will do my forehead, right, for cognitive energy and focus, right? So

I'm giving my brain, you know, the cells of my brain, I'm giving them, getting them charged up. I'll

do my hair, right?

Cause I'm going a little bit bold. Right. I can see it. I can feel it. I'll go over there, and then I will

do the back of my neck, right? I'll do my stomach, and then I'll do my chest. These are the big

key areas that I do, regardless of the pain that I have. If I'm not, if I don't have any pain, I will do

those areas at least twice every single day.

But if you've got a pain, like, say, the shoulder, for example, I'll wrap it on the shoulder, and I

may do it for ten minutes. You know, with the built in timer, I may do that up to four to five times

throughout the day. And then for muscle pain, because I use red light therapy a lot, if I do sort of

an aggressive sparring session or if I do a, you know, a big, you know, some crazy workout, I'm

motivated and I'm like, you know what, I'm going to go, you know, Turn a, turn a, you know, turn

the gym upside down here in the hotel, right?

So I go in there and I work out really hard. Uh, if I do the treatment that night, if I, on the areas, I

will not feel sore the next day. I have none of that delayed onset muscle soreness. I don't have

that anymore. Muscle pain is something that my body has become very, very accustomed to


It's very, very easy to. So more the joint pain, that deep, that deep joint pain, like where you get

it in your neck, or in your lower back, right? Your shoulders, your knees, right? You got,

especially the lower back, that's kind of where, you know, if, if I meet somebody that has that

issue, I'll say 10 minutes, four times a day and do it.

Every single day, call me in two weeks and let's give me a, you know, a pain rating, you know,

from one to ten. How much has it gone down? That's usually what I sort of prescribe ten

minutes four times a day Addressing pain and let's say for example, you're having back pain.

You could put it under there, but still do some stretching if you wanted to. I've got a multitask.

I'm gonna ask you Yes. Yeah. Yeah, that's brilliant. It's brilliant that what is the difference

between what um Your device, the Climaflex, and what I have right now in the terms of a sauna

blanket, which I know from my understanding is described as infrared. And I originally got it, um,

you know, definitely to test it out for pain management, but also to sweat, um, for autoimmune.

Um, type related things. So, what is the difference between that and the LumaFlex? Like, tell me

a little bit. I mean, if there's, if you know the nanometers and it's infrared, it's still a fantastic

device. You would lay it down. It means that you have more. You have basically your body, you

have more surface area, right?

So you're, there's more mitochondria. There's more happy mitochondria. You could say, you

know, at one time, which is great. And if you were to, can you tell me what the blanket is?

Because I have a good friend of mine who has lumaflex, but he wants a blanket as well. He

wants more products. I told him what products, you know, like I'm sort of shopping around, find,

you know, give him, give him some good advice on it, but it just means more surface area.

Like if you have a device in your bag, use it on the go, you're taking it on a plane or whichever,

but then you want to upgrade. You're looking, you could get, there's beds, the blanket like you've

got, right, there's um, I, you know, there are devices, there's like the energy lounger, which is

kind of like a chair bed, it's very, very comfortable to sit on, you can, you know, use it while, you

know, you're watching TV, there's so many great, the saunas, infrared saunas, You know, one of

my friends, uh, just got one installed in her house in Australia.

I was like, what? That is so cool. What else are you getting? Like, it's like something that she's,

you know, she's wanted to get for so long, but she's, you know, just installed it. It's so there's,

there's lots of other devices, like everyone. If you're able to get more devices that do Reddit

infrared, you're only, your life is only going to get better.

You're only going to feel great. Right. And that's what it's all about. It's all about, you know,

improving your overall well being. You're, you know, optimizing you as a human, you know,

what, from when you wake up to when you sleep, right. You're happy mentally, physically,

emotionally, spiritually, you know, you're, you're happy.

Right. And you're, you're, and also this. Of course, it's going to be benefiting the people around

you, right, if you're, you know, you'd be surprised what a happy person you are on a cellular

level, how it can affect everybody else around, you know, around you that they're like, Oh, you

know, you're a really nice person now.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. And so it sounds like your device would then emanate heat. Um, just like the

sauna blanket. So there is an element with the light. There's no heat. This one has no heat.

There are LEDs because it's a tool. It does heat up a little bit because it's being used, right? But,

um, it doesn't get any, it doesn't get any hotter than, it's only very, very little, little heat.

So other than that, it's Yeah, and it can be in, um, in an ice bath as well. Like you can do this

while you are doing an ice bath. So actually, okay, there's no heat from there. So it's, yeah, it's

pure, pure, pure light. That's awesome. And there's so many, yeah, it's good too. Like you can

have devices that give a heat component as well.

And that's fine. It's just, it's, it's an additional, um, I don't like to mix heat, like at least too much

heat, like sauna heat. If I do a sauna, usually I just want the infrared. I don't want the heat as

well. I don't like to put them together. I like to separate them. But, um, you can, you can have

them both.

Okay. And so the one other thing that comes to mind that I'm curious about is what about the

EMF levels? Um, and kind of maybe even explain what that means. If some people may not

understand that is, is it safe because of the, you know, EMFs now are getting a, there's a lot of

awareness coming out there from everything we're inundated with.

Yeah. That's right. You know, like it's something you always have to watch out for. Um, uh, you

grounding mats are really, it's, it's something that I'm launching a new product. Um, there's the

LumaFlex body pro, and then there's going to be the LumaFlex essential, the essential exactly

the same, except it's not waterproof.

The battery doesn't detach and it's not Bluetooth connected. But part of the concept of the

essential LumaFlex, I actually have, I think I've got a, um, Ah, here we go. Here's one. But this is

essential, so it's basically the same except it's cheaper. Now, I want to, I'm going to be, you

know, launching a package later in the, later next year, where you would also be getting a

grounding mat with the essential.

And this is, this is obviously to help for that, for these, these EMFs. So, so, so ground, if you're

able to ground, You can, you can fix a lot of the problems that are caused with, with, with these

bad, you know, with tension that's built up, electric, negative, you could call it, you know,

negative electric energy, you could say, right?

And we get it from our phones, right? We get it from WiFi. Um, but where, you know, if a lot of

people really, Get angry about it. Usually I say like if the the worst thing is your phone like if you

have your your phone's pretty much the worst one the worst one or um wi fi if you've got a very

very strong wifi like say you're inside a commercial building that's certainly, you know, the whole

Building a service with Wi Fi, um, or if you're like in a, you know, a Tesla car, you could say, but

devices like this, the amount of EMF that it emits is not on the same amount as you would get

like just from your actual phone that's inside your pocket.

But it is something that is very, very Um, that I'm very, very aware of and I'm hyper focused on

because it is something, you know, when we're creating products in the future now, we need, we

do need to be considerate of this. We need to be thinking about it because, um, my best solution

is to educate people on grounding, getting grounded.

Like, can you, you know, give out grounding mats or are you able to, You know, get up and walk

out, you know, outside and get your feet onto the ground, um, you know, and educate people

the importance of doing that. But grounding mats is something that I want to add as a

component. But, um, yeah, I'm doing my best to kind of educate people about like the good light

coming in, but also the exhaust, you know, we could call it the exhaust of your, you know, your

battery, your, your mitochondria is like a battery, you know, and you got your, you know, your, the

good light coming in, but also.

That battery also has an exhaust, like from, from a car. So that exhaust is, you know, grounding.

You need to get grounded. Um, yeah, really great point that you brought up there. I like that, that

you're aware of this and you want to educate your audience on this, um, and keep them

informed about it because it's, you know, you know, if you look at the average person with their

phone that isn't getting grounded, that is full of wifi and they're, You know, they're, you know,

they're not wearing like even blue light blockers and they're just, you can, you can start to

understand why, you know, the younger generation in the world right now, they're, you know,

riddled with, with mental issues and anxiety.

And there's, there's depression, you know, from, you know, kids at 13 years old, you're like,

what's going on here? It's like, well, you know, these kids are. They're just basically all, you

know, negative electric energy. Um, they need to be, you know, it's something that I, you know,

that's what biohacking is, is getting these old traditions from the past, these things that have

been tried and proven that have worked and they're bringing it to the future and trying to


So, you know, we, we all are aware of this and being hyper focused on keeping ourselves.

Clean and, uh, you know, optimized. We obviously need to communicate that to the friends and

family around us. And we see, uh, for me, it's more, you know, I see with a lot of the kids of my,

you know, my brothers and my sisters, my older brothers and sisters, I see with their kids, you

know, I'm always like this, we need to help them when you get them, you know, get that exhaust

out, get that negative energy out.

But, um, but yeah, I commend you for bringing up such an incredible point like this, that isn't, it's

often overlooked. you know, with, um, you know, in the world right now. Yeah. And I think it just

begins with awareness. I did not really understand EMF until I went to a doctor, a naturopathic

doctor who pointed out that I was holding radiation in my body and that was.

Most likely due to EMF. And so I became hyper alert and understanding. So we got EMF

protectors on all my devices. I've got, I'm paranoid now. I've got a router here. I've got, and then

my kids, like you're talking about who are doing things like gaming, have EMF protectors on

their computers right now.

And, you know, I know there's a lot of research that still needs to be done, but it gives me a

peace of mind that they're giving. some level of protection, um, and then I have a cover for the

phone, right? And there's actually, you know, it's just WiFi, right? You can, before you go to bed,

you just. Detach, right?

You can shut everything down at night so that you don't get that. So because to me there's like

power and just knowing that, but the whole point is like it sounds like there's, there's not, there's

not much in the infrared, like the blankets or the lumaflex or things like that compared to what

we, what we're really getting affected by is the 5g, right?

Yes. Then, you know, yeah. I would say the next thing is like electric cars, I'd be, I'd be, you're

sitting on a battery, right? Like, yeah, that's a great point. And so what you just mentioned,

which I think was really a good thing to focus on , is there's a way to discharge this radiation, the

stuff that gets in our bodies, out.

And, and one of the biggest ways is through grounding, which is putting our feet on the earth, or

a mat, and that, how does that work? I'm just curious, do you know? Yeah, I mean, I mean, you

can even, even a mat, like you can buy mats. About this big and all you need to do is put your

pinky on you literally just need to touch it That's the magic about like it It feels I think people do

feel better when they go and they find a place that is like there's no concrete There's no like um

astro turf or anything, but they actually Put their feet down.

Like the beach is the best. The beach is the best. The beach is like the best place to get

grounded. Um, but, but these, these grounding mats, you can plug them in and you can actually

sleep on it. And, um, it's help, it really helps with, you know, providing great sleep, but that is

these little grounding mats.

I love them so much, you know, and I wanted to, I, it's something so simple. It's like, God, this is

such a simple thing, but yet it is such, uh, it could be such a support. You know, because you,

with the condition that you just mentioned, right? And having, having this net, people don't

realize it, that it's such a key piece to have with you.

It could, you're in your little toolbox, right? Of your tips and tricks for, for human optimization. It's

actually a very, very key thing. So, you know, having a LumaFlex and getting a little grounding

map free is something that. You know, I also wanted to add, you know, some very key minerals,

um, you know, some supplements that help optimize your intake of red light there because a

huge amount of the world's population is actually very, very dehydrated.

Like water is something that is like people, people are not drinking enough. So that's, Those are

some other little goodies that I want to have in, in the, the essential packet, you know, next year,

but, um, EMF, you know, and the dangers of this is something that it is talked about in the

biohacking world and, you know, the optimized they're all talking about, but I don't think regular

people there, you know, what, what do you mean grounded?

I just got to take, they don't really, they don't see how they like, they're like, you're right. I don't

ever touch the ground. And that ground I was, I was designed as a human being, you know, like

God made me in a certain way, not to wear shoes. It doesn't make sense that I should be, it, it, it

does slowly start to take over people start to see the value of, yeah, I just go and walk with no,

no shoes and find some, um, you know, I, I, I, in, in all my business trips.

I was in, um, I was recently in Las Vegas for the A4M, you know, medical conference. And I

wanted to do my morning stretching, you know, I wake up, you know, I run, watch the sunrise.

And I'm just running, looking for a grass patch to get my grounding in. And it was so funny, I was

just looking around and I saw this little grass patch, you know, and I'm looking, I'm like, okay, this

is great.

And, um, up in the hotel, my wife, She saw me and she started filming me and she was like,

what is he doing? And I actually posted this video of me touching and doing my stretching on

this little tiny, you know grass patch But yeah, it's something that I really really it's important to

do and everybody is listening.

Yeah, I get grounded every day. Get grounded, you know feel the earth on your feet, you know,

and yes, it does it is electricity. It's not. It's not, um, it's not, you know, really rocket science. You

can just literally put your pinky on the grounding mat or, and yes, you will be discharged, you

could say. But, um, but it really does feel good to get your feet on the ground.

You will, again, it's something that, like watching the sunrise, it's something that is so simple, but

also, you know, can really, um, really benefit your life. Yeah. I mean, just listening to you talk, I'm

ready to take these shoes off and get my socks off right now. And you know, what a handy tool

for somebody that is working all the time around technology and things like that, where they can

discharge with a mat if they can't get outside or, you know, ultimately get outside, but they can

get rid of some of this junk that's in them, you know?

Yes. It's beautiful. Exactly. Yay. Wait, this is, I mean, John, thank you so much for coming on.

You are a wealth of knowledge. There's just so much that you've shared, so much value that you

provided today. And, um, for those of you listening, I want you to know that I am including in this

episode, the link about John's work, his product, the Lumaflex, um, We'll be in this episode and,

and you can reach out to, to this website, the link there to, to find out more about, about him and

about the Lumaflex.

And is there anything else you want to add to that or about? Oh, just words of appreciation to

you for giving me the, you know, the opportunity to share on your platform. Um, it really, really

means a lot, not just to me, but for the entire team. We're all like, this is, um, you know, we're,

it's, it is a passion company, right?

It's something that kind of came about from me and my background and everybody that comes

on is all, they're all, you know, they've seen the light. You could say they're all very passionate

about sharing the, you know, the light. And, um, it's just, it obviously means a lot to everybody

when we're able to get the word out and people bring us on, you know, and showcase us or, or,

or talk about us or endorse us in any way, shape or form, it really, really means a lot.

Awesome. And I love that. And I can tell that you're coming from a place of passion and that

resonates. That's awesome. And I think that there's so much good that can come out of that.

And people listening today, um, now you're aware of another tool that could be extremely helpful

for you.

And remember, we do new episodes every week on Wednesday, and I look forward to having

you join me then.

Cari Vann

Pain with movement & stiff joints can leave some people feeling depressed, frustrated, and in fear of getting injured while doing the activities they love. My 1:1 Movement Craft Coaching Program will empower you with lifelong tools to help you feel better, move better, and live a healthy pain-free life you can enjoy!


Episode # 46: Interview with Bijoy John


Episode #44: Interview with Donna Tashjian