Cari Vann | Movement Craft | Movement Is Medicine

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Revolutionize Your Fitness Routine with Chair Pilates

Have you ever thought about how much time you spend sitting each day? Whether it's in an office, at home, or during your commute, it seems like our lives are built around this passive position. But what if I told you that sitting could become an integral part of your fitness journey? Yes, you heard that right. In today's blog post, I'm going to introduce you to the transformative world of Chair Pilates.

Firstly, let's clarify who can benefit from Chair Pilates. In reality, the answer is simple - just about anyone! If you have trouble lying on your back, are recovering from surgery, or simply find other exercise positions challenging, Chair Pilates is a great way to keep your body moving and healthy. Moreover, if you're working at a desk, whether in an office or at home, Chair Pilates becomes an easy program to implement and can help break up your day.

I started teaching Chair Pilates over 20 years ago and have found it immensely beneficial. People practicing it were not only able to maintain their physical health but also saw significant improvements in body control and strength. To assist further, I developed some protocols that help incorporate effective movements and exercises into a seated regimen.

So, what should you include in your Chair Pilates regimen? Let's start with the most crucial factor – posture. Remember, a well-aligned spine is the backbone (pun intended!) of good health. When sitting, it’s essential to line up your ears over your shoulders, and your shoulders over your hips. Offering your back some support helps achieve this alignment and your spine will thank you for it! If you're worried about maintaining this posture all the time, don't be. Even I find it challenging, and I do this for a living. Providing some support acts as a reminder and sets us up for success.

Next, let's talk about your hip-knee alignment. Make sure your hips aren't lower than your knees. They should either be in a straight line or a bit higher to avoid tightening your hip flexor or psoas muscles.

As we venture further into Chair Pilates, we introduce some more traditional Pilates concepts. For example, we work on the fundamental use of our scoop and our ribcage breath, connecting the breath to your center, just like in a traditional Pilates regimen on a mat. I find using the Pilates circle a great tool to foster this connection, both with your hands and your legs. Remember, proper form and setup remain crucial, even when exercising in a chair.

Adding movement to this stabilized posture, we engage the arms and legs in a harmonious dance of fitness. Moreover, we also incorporate all the movements our spine needs, unless contraindicated. Why should our spinal mobility suffer just because we're sitting, right?

In Chair Pilates, we can also work on our center-based strength. It's one of the pillars of pain-free movement and integrates perfectly into a seated workout routine. From there, we build upon these basics, incorporating mobility, stretching, and eventually progressing to upper body exercises.

Remember, like any other fitness regimen, the key to success with Chair Pilates is consistency. It's about establishing a routine, whether you prefer to do it all at once or break up the exercises throughout your day. There's no wrong way to practice Chair Pilates - it's all about getting the movements into your body and making the practice your own.

In conclusion, Chair Pilates is a versatile and adaptable form of exercise that turns your passive sitting time into an opportunity for health and fitness. It's more than just an alternative; it's a powerful tool that you can integrate into your everyday life. Ready to get started? Tune into the "Better Than a Pill" podcast episode to get a deeper understanding of this unique exercise approach.

In that episode, we delve into the specifics of each exercise and I share some valuable tips from my two-decade experience teaching Chair Pilates. Remember, the idea is not just to imitate a workout while seated but to create a routine specifically designed for a seated position, capitalizing on the unique advantages this position provides.

And the best part? You don't need a fully-equipped gym or even a spacious room to start with Chair Pilates. If you have a chair and the willingness to improve your fitness, you're all set. Whether you're working, watching TV, or just taking a break, your chair can double as your fitness partner.

So, no more excuses about not having the time or the space to exercise. With Chair Pilates, every moment you spend sitting can become a step towards a healthier and fitter you. Remember, the aim is not to overwhelm yourself with rigorous routines but to incorporate simple, yet effective exercises into your daily life.

Chair Pilates is proof that fitness is not always about heavy lifting or high intensity workouts. Sometimes, it's about making the most of what's readily available to us, and transforming seemingly mundane tasks into opportunities for improvement. And with Chair Pilates, I believe we can all embrace a healthier lifestyle, irrespective of our daily schedule or fitness levels.

In a world where we're often rushing from one task to another, Chair Pilates provides a welcome opportunity to slow down and take care of our bodies. So, give it a try, and you might just find yourself falling in love with this refreshing approach to fitness. And remember, as you embark on this journey, it's not about perfection but progress. So, take it one day, one exercise, one breath at a time.

As always, I'm here to guide you through this exciting journey. Tune into the podcast to learn more and embark on your Chair Pilates journey. Here's to transforming our sitting time into a wellness routine!